Welcome to Hogwarts!
Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor Dumbledore, your headmaster. Here at Hogwarts, you will be learning many different subjects, all special and wonderful. Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that no magic shall be used in the halls or in between classes. And, remember, the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all pupils. There will be trips to Hogsmeade scheduled, and have a wonderful year at Hogwarts!
Ok, people, I had to change the sorting page a little. Instead of just telling me what house you want, you have to tell me what house you'd like to be in, from most favorite to least favorite. I did this because I got about 20 applications saying: Gryffindor. I got ONE Slytherin request, and the rest of all the applications were Gryffindor. I'm sorry, but i can't have that! So, people who sent me applications and are not on the students page, please tell me your answer to the new question, because I cant have 30 Gryffindors, 1 Ravenclaw, 1 Slytherin, and 0 Hufflepuffs! Everyone has to change things, so here's my change.Just a reminder, everyone starts out as a first year,and no one can be Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, or Ron Weasley. end of announcment.