Welcome to Hogwarts!

Welcome to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! I am Professor Dumbledore, your headmaster. Here at Hogwarts, you will be learning many different subjects, all special and wonderful. Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that no magic shall be used in the halls or in between classes. And, remember, the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all pupils. There will be trips to Hogsmeade scheduled, and have a wonderful year at Hogwarts!
Ok, people, I had to change the sorting page a little. Instead of just telling me what house you want, you have to tell me what house you'd like to be in, from most favorite to least favorite. I did this because I got about 20 applications saying: Gryffindor. I got ONE Slytherin request, and the rest of all the applications were Gryffindor. I'm sorry, but i can't have that! So, people who sent me applications and are not on the students page, please tell me your answer to the new question, because I cant have 30 Gryffindors, 1 Ravenclaw, 1 Slytherin, and 0 Hufflepuffs! Everyone has to change things, so here's my change.

Just a reminder, everyone starts out as a first year,and no one can be Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, or Ron Weasley. end of announcment.

Hogwarts is new, so we would greatly appreciate it if you would give us suggestions, for every suggestion, you earn 5 points for your house.
Please remember that you have to try out in order to be in the Quidditch team. Try-out dates have not been scheduled yet.
Everyone starts out with 2 galleons to buy school supplies. Remember, you must buy your supplies, don't spend all of your money on candy. Also remember, the wand chooses the wizard, so just e-mail me saying you need a wand, and I'll find your wand type. Note: First years are not allowed to have brooms.
If you make the Quidditch team, please remember that you will have to buy your own brooms, and depending on how much you earn and save, you can buy better brooms, but if you don't have any money, and don't have a broom by a week before your Quidditch match, you will have to forfeit your position and someone else will take it.
Ways to earn points and money: For every person you tell about this site, you get 5 knuts, for doing homework, you earn 5 knuts and 5 points, for doing extra credit, you get 10 knuts, and for sending in stories for the Library, you get 1 galleon. Please e-mail me if you want to write for the Daily Profet. You get 5 sickles every week for the Daily Profet. We will be selling the Daily Profet in your local stores. There is a new addition of the Daily Profet every week. There are 5 different pages, one of which is taken by Miss Lily Stargazer, Quidditch captain for Gryffindor, so you better get a job fast! I will tell you all the different and new ways to earn money and points as we go along in the school year.
As you see, I have put up message boards. I have also made the common rooms, though they are not linked for one perticular reason. IF ANYONE SNEAKES INTO ANOTHER COMMON ROOM THEN THEIR OWN, THEY WILL BE EXPELLED FROM HOGWARTS, AND THE MESSAGE BOARDS WILL BE TAKEN DOWN. I'm not usually this strict, but my friend has a new Hogwarts site, only about a month old, and Slytherins have already posted nasty messages on every message board on the site! I really hate how people do this! It is a special thing to have a message board in your site, but if people put bad messaged on it, it's no fun anymore. Now, I believe you're all too smart and grown up to do such an obnoxious thing as to sneak into another common room, so, please don't prove me wrong and be good, I honestly think that you wouldn't do a thing like that, hopefully, I'm not wrong. So I ask you, please, Please, PLEASE don't sneak into other common rooms! Just stay at your own common room, let me tell you, I've made them all the same, different colors, yes, but all the same links and activities, so what's the benefit of going to other common rooms? I really appreciate how you use you're good judgement here at Hogwarts, and I ask you to keep up the good attitude. Thanks.
The Sorting Ceremony
The Library
Students of Hogwarts
Hogwarts Message Board
Send me and owl at Lissieloon@aol.com